For this project, we wrote several sentences in spanish about our likes dislikes, our family’s likes and dislikes, and our friend’s likes and dislikes. Then we found one picture to represent each sentence (example: if our sentence said something like “my sister likes to shop” we chose a picture of someone shopping.) then we used the ShowMe app to create a sort of slide show with the pictures and sentences. We would drag a picture into the blank page that the ShowMe app gives you and them write the sentence that goes along with it. Then we would
record ourselves reading the sentence. I liked this project because it was fun picking the pictures, but it also helped us know if we were writing and saying things correctly and that we knew the grammar and vocabulary.
One thought on “Mis Gustos”
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Hi, I was really impressed with your project I could tell you put a lot of time and effort into it. Your phrases of clarification were done well and nice, good job. There was a problem with your opening sentences when you were speaking, something that seems could be easily fixed. Nice job on closing sentence, I was well pleased with this project overall. Great job, next time remember not to get the words mixed up at the beginning.